Patternmaking Software

PatternMaker Software has developed flexible programms especially for 
drafting digital PATTERNS for garments or
creating predesigned patterns, the Pattern Collections.

In PatternMaker with the various drawing and editing tools you can do everything you used to do with pencil and paper, but faster, more precisely and efficiently.
Several versions of PatternMaker are available for the home sewer, the professional pattern maker and for the designer.

In MacroGen you programm your own models and create predesigned patterns.


PatternMaker Basic

PatternMaker Basis 7.5

Select a design from a Pattern Collection and enter your measurements. The pattern will be drafted with these measurements. Print the patterns on true scale with your printer.
Is included with every Pattern Collection.

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PatternMaker DeLuxe

PatternMaker de Luxe 7.5

Make patterns on your own measurements by using a Pattern Collection. Edit the patterns with the many tools in the program to the model you want. Print your patterns on real size with your printer.
A special version for the home sewer.

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PatternMaker Professional

PatternMaker Professional 7.5

Make with PatternMaker your own digital patterns , save them and edit them as you wish. You can print your patterns with your printer at home.
An ideal programm for a professional patternmaker!

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PatternMaker GradingStudio

PatternMaker GradeerStudio 7.5

First draft the patterns of your fashion designs.
Then grade your patterns in standard sizes (resizing) and create your own collections, ready for production.
The GradingStudio is specially for designers who want to draft their collection in digital patterns.

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MacroGen 4.5

Create with MacroGen your Pattern Macros , a predesigned pattern of your own design, which can be used in PatternMaker to get made-to-measure patterns. In MacroGen you program your patterns and convert them into a Pattern Macro.
Ideal for creating your made-to-measure patterns

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Combi PatternMaker & MacroGen

Combinatie PMP 7.5 & MG 4.5

The combination is ideal for programming your fashion designs in MacroGen into a Pattern Macro and testing and editing it in PatternMaker Professional. Using the Pattern Macro in PatternMaker a made-to-measure pattern is drafted.
For tailors\designers who want to create and sell made-to-measure garments or patterns.

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